Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Anyone Need a Wardrobe Refresher?

I’m not sure how common clothing swaps are elsewhere but in San Francisco, I seem to hear about them all the time. It’s the best way to get some new items in your closet without spending a dime. Just invite a bunch of friends to bring over those bags of unwanted clothes (shoes & accessories are welcome too!) that have been taking up space in the back of their closets, throw in some wine and appetizers and voila! - it’s a party with free clothes! My book club (nicknamed the “wine club” by my husband) has thrown a few clothing swaps and it’s always a fun time.  Everyone is designated a small space to display their goodies and when we’re all ready, we start swapping. You take what you want and give away what you can. There really are no rules except don’t try to pawn off your ripped and torn clothing on anyone else.

These are just a few of my recent clothing swap finds.

A fun little dress and a white winter coat courtesy of my friend Deena…

Some adorable cowboy rain boots, sandals and some mid-calf boots…
And what happens if no one takes my clothes, you ask? Don't worry they will still be put to good use and appreciated by someone...at the end of the night any undesirables are bagged and sent off to a charity like Goodwill.

Happy swapping!