Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Tuesday!

Most people have no opinion of Tuesdays. It’s too close to Monday to feel like you’ve accomplished anything with your week and too far from Friday to get excited about any weekend plans.  But Tuesdays are one of my favorite days of the week because I work from home. No drive across town, over the bridge and into the tourist trap that is Sausalito. When I got home from work yesterday I realized that my job is so emotionally draining that it sucks all creativity or desire to be creative out of me. This morning I woke up refreshed and renewed. Ready to shoot some images of the rest of the clothing and accessories I found for Cowboy Jack. Ready to do some planning, research and writing. Here we go….

My first thought of the day was about one of my lingering decisions, whether or not to include men’s apparel in my collection. Oddly, I can spot a man with a lot of style and admire his attire from a mile away but in a store, on the spot, I can’t piece together an outfit for my husband. So we’ll see. I recently came across these old photos of my Grandpa. Now this is style and grace! Although I can’t see my husband in suits like this, if I were to sell men’s apparel I would love to dress my client’s like this.

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